Only Happy When It Rains

As a confirmed bear shitter in King Le Fly’s court I am making efforts to retain my top hat during this market swoon, covered in burlap as it may be. However, I will not expose any additional funds to shorting the market. I am already in over my head and bailing water from Q1 2012.

Yes, I got net short before the epic takeoff of Q1 2012. Fuck you very much.

However, I have one pick I believe will be monstrous over the long term: GOOG. It’s everything YELP, FB and others pretend to be and more.

GOOG is the Internet. People just don’t get it. With newly available Chromebox and Chromebooks GOOG takes another step into complete domination.

I will flesh this idea out when time permits. For now I’d love to see GOOG swoon with the market below 500. I would be a big buyer.

In the meantime, here’s an anthem for the few bears on IBC.

About coinspeak

20 years as an IT consultant. Escaped the rat race in 2015. Addicted to travel and tacos.

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One comment

  1. At least you have class.
    I will spare you when my Miami Zombie army is raised

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