Monthly Archives: April 2018

Snowflakes Sue

Some BTC Snowflakes have created a website to promote a frivolous lawsuit claiming that is intentionally misleading visitors to buy BCH instead of BTC. The entire affair is comical and will backfire. Here’s the background: Roger Ver AKA “Bitcoin Jesus” owns Roger became a BCH proponent early on. He added BCH to and over time BCH has taken a more …

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Plebs: I’d Rather Hold Stocks Than Crypto

I will start with the good news: it’s still early in the Crypto game. Very early. You have not missed the boat. You can buy Crypto today and you’ll be way ahead of the exponential S curve we are entering. Everything up till now has been a test. The launchpad is ready and we are now loading rockets to the …

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Sold All Of My Monero

I have made a portfolio change. Rather than BCH, EOS and XMR I have reallocated. I have sold all of my XMR and I have added to BCH. Monero has a lot going for it: regularly scheduled hardforks, anonymous by default, a clear and concise roadmap with a process for what items are prioritized. Monero may also have one of …

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Enjoying A Crypto Melt Up

Things are good in Crypto land. I’ve managed a return that would shame billion dollar money managers for their entire career in the past two weeks. I’ve enjoyed egregious gains and catastrophic drawdowns since my first Bitcoin purchase at $13. It’s been a wild ride. Were I not in early enough and had weathered the dot com collapse I may …

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Key Level for Bitcoin Cash

$1,560 is a key level for Bitcoin Cash. This level has served as important support and resistance. Once broken we could see a violent upswing. In the words of the immortal Jesse Livermore: Prices are never too high to begin buying or too low to begin selling. This technical level for price is a natural place to pause. There is …

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Best time to buy Crypto

Crypto is back and so am I. If you didn’t buy the dip you still can. Bitcoin Cash has run 110%+ recently and is gearing up for a May 15th hardfork to enable new functionality in the form of opcodes. In layman’s terms, opcodes enable BCH to do anything any alt coin can do now. It’s Boolean logic. IF….THEN type logic. …

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