Regardless of timing, there will be a massive cleansing of Crypto. I called this BTC ponzi pump as it happened:Bitfinex implicated in a 850M fraud on April 24.
— Coinspeak (@coinspeak_io) July 13, 2019
800M tether printed since April 24. This is fine.
BTC is the Lehman Brothers of crypto.
— Coinspeak (@coinspeak_io) June 24, 2019
Don't forget, this BTC pump got started because of an April Fool's joke.
— Coinspeak (@coinspeak_io) June 26, 2019
BTC jumped 21% in one hour to break $5k. Fuel to that fire: 300 million in fresh Tether.
This is fine.

BTC is the Fyre Festival of crypto.
— Warboat (@warboat1) June 26, 2019
This call on BSV paid off well if you took it at $57. Within weeks it hit $240+ and is now sitting around $160.Current day chart.
— Coinspeak (@coinspeak_io) June 26, 2019
Could run quite a bit more, but don't get fooled. This will come back to earth hard.
I don't see how the BSV news could get much worse and support did not break. If you were looking for a moment to add this seems like it.
— Coinspeak (@coinspeak_io) April 17, 2019
BCHBSV and BTCBSV ratios also at ATH.